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Welcome to the Lake County Ohio Building Inspection Document Submittal Website.

INSTRUCTIONS: This site is to be used by contractors to submit project documentation in electronic format for review by Building Inspection department staff. For residential project submittal guidelines, click here. For commercial project submittal guidelines, click here. Also, make sure to enter your contact information, a short description of the work to be done, the address of the project, any pertinent notes and finially select the documents from your local computer that you wish to upload and submit. If the file sizes are rather large or you have a considerable amount of documents to submit, we suggest using a compression program like Win Zip to compress and zip multiple files. Then submit the compressed file. This will allow you to submit a greater number of documents and reduce the upload time.

Once you have filled out the required fields and selected the desired documents, please click the SUBMIT button. When the SUBMIT button is clicked, your documents will be uploaded and saved to the Building Inspection Department's server. If you forgot to include a file in the initial project submission, please navigate to the website again and make a new submission, filling out all of the required fields, and making sure to include the same address as the prior submission. This way, the missing documents can be associated with the correct project. Additionally, an email notification will be sent to Building Inspection staff and a confirmation email will be sent you. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact the Building Inspection Department right away. Our contact information is below.

Thank you, for choosing to use the online document submittal website. We hope that this website has made it easier to submit your project documents. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Lake County Building Inspection Department at the following numbers: 440-350-2636, 440-918-2636 or 1-800-899-LAKE(5253) Ext. 2636. Our office hours are 8am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday.

Please Enter Your Contact Information  (All fields are required)

First Name:     Last Name:  

Phone#:     Email:  
Please Enter Project Information  (All fields are required)

Work Description:  

Address of Construction (Include City/Twp):  

Please Attach Project Documents Below  (Must attach at least one document)
To attach documents, click the Browse/Choose File button and select a file. You may select up to 10 files for upload. Once all files have been selected, click the SUBMIT button. If you make a mistake, click the RESET FILES button and add the correct files.